action • suit • prosecute, prosecuting a suite (in civil cases) • set, ~ting down an action for trial • bring, ~ing a suit (against a person) • bring, ~ing an action (against s.o.) • prosecute, -ing, -ion of the party accused (in criminal cases ) • bring, -ing a suit (against a person) • initiate, -ing, initiation of a suit • initiate, -ing, -ion of proceedings • initiate, initiating, initiation of a suit or action • lodge, -ing a complaint • go, ~ing to law • file, -ing an action • institute, ing, -ion of an action/proceedings/suit • implead ( : to sue in a law court ) ( : to include or incorporate as part of or party to a legal suit or action) • maintain, ~ing, maintenance of an action/suit (in Persian also تعقيب كردن دعوي ) • bring, ~ing a suit • raise, -ing an action • prosecute, prosecuting, prosecution • initiate, -ing, initiation of proceedings • commence, -ing, ~ment of an action
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